Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ayska's Dinner Gatherhing

Out of the blue Bunda said, "shall we have a dinner in our place, inviting all of our friends?" Bunda said it has been a while since we had one in our home... I believe it was more than a year ago. Ayah was totally agree as long as Bunda did not force herself as the main chef since Ayah can only help with a fried noodle. The dinner was decided to be on Saturday, May 16th at 7 pm. The menu was:

Main Menu:
  1. Chicken in sweet soy sauce a.k.a "Ayam Kecap"
  2. Poo Yung Hai (Bunda said this is the right way to wrote it)
  3. Deep Fried Calamari, Prawn and Chicken strips
  4. Fried Noodle
  5. Cap cay*
  6. Prawn Crackers

ps. Deep fried Calamari-Prawn-Chicken and Cap Cay was not in the photo above since it was all gone before I had a chance to take the photo :)

Snack and Desert:
  1. Cheese Roll
  2. "Sosis Solo" (Sosis means sausage, and Solo is a city in Central Java.. it is not a real sausage that originally from Solo though, in fact it is not like a sausage at all hehehe. hhmm.. perhaps you want to check Bunda's recipes in Sellycious)
  3. Coconut Swirl Brownies
  4. Jack-Fruit Roll*
  5. Vegetable Fritters with garlic-chilly sauce**
  6. Pudding of jack fruit and mutiara sago*
  7. Fruit Salad

Thank you for our friends for their coming to Ayska dinner gathering. Despite everyone came at around 8 pm, an hour late from the invitation (except Zakaria Family).. It was fun, great and yummy!! It always great to have you all as our family.

Mumbai Family small

from left to right
(bottom) : Vera, Ayah Fitrah, Bunda Selly & Ayska, Mbak Ida
(middle) : Linda, Tasya, Cindy, Fanny, Amanda, Audrey, Lenny, Cinto, Sharon
(top) : Zakaria & Indy, Pande, Hendrik, Karim & Andrea

* thank you for Vera
** thank you for Cinto


Anonymous said... kasiy ya undangan makan malemnya....n juga fotonya....masakan nya enak2 :)

Fitrah said...

sama-sama :)

mbak vera kah?
atau2 mbak2 yang lainnya?