Monday, February 21, 2011

ROMANIA -- A short beak in SNAGOV

Snagov is a village north of Bucharest. It is about 30 minutes driving. The fact sheet can be seen on Wikipedia (=Snagov).

I don't recall the exact story which made us travel to Snagov with Kasra and Angga Family. The gossip flying through our ears was that Snagov is beautiful... there is lake with beautiful scenery. On the D-day, we met in the famous "S" coffee shop (=the one with woman and green circle logo), having a cup of cappuccino and buying colonel's fried chicken for lunch. After 1 hour driving (including lost).. hhmmm... first impression from all of us... "oohh.. this is Snagov... nothing more?".  Actually, it is not that bad... but perhaps it is like a place when you have been there one time is enough. There is a motel (I think)... kids playground with quite big park, lake and small pier.. if you'd like to sightseeing across the lake.

kiri: Bunda & Ayska.. ini bukan lokasi danau yang kita tuju.. ini kita agak nyasar dikit
tengah (atas): danau Snagov;   (bawah): Piere dan Ayska makan KFC
kanan: Ayska masih belajar jalan sama Ayah di dermaga

The dogs were party spoiler... they just gathered around us with their open mouth.... feeling hungry because of nice smell of fried chicken in autumn breeze. Eventually, we sat on the pier (=no dogs allowed)... having lunch, chatting, and picture time !!

Atas: (kiri-kanan) Angga, baby Fabian di kereta, Diah, Ayska dan Bunda Selly, Bu Tari, Piere 

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