Out of the blue Bunda said, "shall we have a dinner in our place, inviting all of our friends?" Bunda said it has been a while since we had one in our home... I believe it was more than a year ago. Ayah was totally agree as long as Bunda did not force herself as the main chef since Ayah can only help with a fried noodle. The dinner was decided to be on Saturday, May 16th at 7 pm. The menu was:
Main Menu:
- Chicken in sweet soy sauce a.k.a "Ayam Kecap"
- Poo Yung Hai (Bunda said this is the right way to wrote it)
- Deep Fried Calamari, Prawn and Chicken strips
- Fried Noodle
- Cap cay*
- Prawn Crackers
ps. Deep fried Calamari-Prawn-Chicken and Cap Cay was not in the photo above since it was all gone before I had a chance to take the photo :)
Snack and Desert:
- Cheese Roll
- "Sosis Solo" (Sosis means sausage, and Solo is a city in Central Java.. it is not a real sausage that originally from Solo though, in fact it is not like a sausage at all hehehe. hhmm.. perhaps you want to check Bunda's recipes in Sellycious)
- Coconut Swirl Brownies
- Jack-Fruit Roll*
- Vegetable Fritters with garlic-chilly sauce**
- Pudding of jack fruit and mutiara sago*
- Fruit Salad
Thank you for our friends for their coming to Ayska dinner gathering. Despite everyone came at around 8 pm, an hour late from the invitation (except Zakaria Family).. It was fun, great and yummy!! It always great to have you all as our family.
from left to right
(bottom) : Vera, Ayah Fitrah, Bunda Selly & Ayska, Mbak Ida
(middle) : Linda, Tasya, Cindy, Fanny, Amanda, Audrey, Lenny, Cinto, Sharon
(top) : Zakaria & Indy, Pande, Hendrik, Karim & Andrea
* thank you for Vera
** thank you for Cinto
Fitrah...selly...ma kasiy ya undangan makan malemnya....n juga fotonya....masakan nya enak2 :)
sama-sama :)
mbak vera kah?
atau2 mbak2 yang lainnya?
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