Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Neighborhood, Hiranandani Powai

It is fast growing area in Mumbai suburb. This is not the reason I choose this place to be my home in Mumbai. It is simply because all the Indonesian colleagues are living there... yes we have Indonesian mafia here, or should I say had, because most of the families are already back home now.

We are living in 23rd floor, 3 bedrooms and bathrooms, kitchen and hall, and our apartment is facing the biggest garden in the area. It is quite nice when you read it, isn't it? Well.. please don't imagine fancy apartment like in Jakarta. What amaze me is the unreasonable price. Say.. you are renting Apartment Rasuna (old tower) with a price of Somerset apartment in monthly basis. Although many drawbacks here and there, but still, the complex is the best in the area (of course you cannot compare to Juhu where Amitabh Bachan lives !!)

Home in Mumbai

I want to take "the black-yellow auto-rickshaw (read: bajaj)", and these guys directly make a stand pose. Probably they think I am from some foreign magazines. I guess everyone wants to try their luck in Bollywood.

We will upload more stories and photo about our living in Mumbai.

Black pigeons are taking shit in our windows. Please do not imagine it. And they are also nesting there, I see their eggs and baby. Lately the apartment gets annoying, everyday the toilet flush is off in the "right timing", not to mention the stupid fussy lady in 22nd floor (she always complain everything on us !!!). Bunda is planning to spill a bucket of water to flush the pigeon shit and there you go

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mumbai, KAMI datang

Sebenarnya Ayah sudah satu tahun di Mumbai (oopss.. saat itu status masih single yah).
Trus ayah pulang untuk menjemput sang istri *masi penganten baru ceritanya* untuk diboyong ke India ini, Mumbai lah tepatnya.

Dan kesan pertama si Bunda, duh kok begini amat yah. Pas masih di pesawat, si pilot udah berkoar2 kita bakal landing 10 menit lagi, "oke akhirnya sampe" pikir gue, badan udah pegel duduk 5 jam. Kaki udah bolak balik dinaek turunin karena kesemutan. Eeh kok uda lebih dari 15 menit belom landing juga, gue tanya lah ya "Ay kok belom turun juga". Pas denger penjelasan si Ay, gw cuma oooww gitu yah. Jadi tu pesawat antre di langit, hahaha lucu dan terdengar agak bodoh. Kok bisa semua pesawat landing di jam yang sama, emang ngatur schedulenya gimana. Dan 30 menit berlalu, kali ini landing beneran. Begitu turun looh berantakan amat, tabrak sana sini dan ramenya gak ketulungan, antri imigrasinya bikin dengkul mo copot (panjaaaaaaaaaaaaanng) dan orang india ini bener2 gak sopan maen serobot nyelak barisan, uda malem tingkat esmosi meningkat ;p

Keluar bandara, akhirnyaaaaaaaaa bisa tarik nafas. Setengah jam perjalanan dengan mobil kita sampe apartemen. Capeeeeeeeeek. Gak bisa cerita apa2 tentang Mumbainya karena udah malem banget dan gue uda gak konsen liat kondisi jalanan.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I Pronounced You "Husband and Wife"

"Saya terima nikahnya putri Bapak, Selly Ihda Zuliana dengan mas kawin emas *** gram dan seperangkat alat sholat dibayar tunai"

Our Wedding Day

It was December 2008 and since that day Fitrah became the husband and Selly became the wife. The day when we start writing our book of life together. Here are some of the chapters of our voyage..

ps. It is intentional that I used *** on the "mas kawin" and didn't mention the wed date